Developer: Syun-kan Flowlighter (Published by Kagura Games)
Genre: JRPG
Store: Steam, GOG, Kagura Games store, Denpasoft, DLSite (only in Japanese)
Reviewed version: 1.02
Censored: No, except for the DLSite version
Patch Needed: No, except for the Steam version
OS: Windows
Language: English, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese
Obscurite Magie: The City of Sin is the second entry in Syun-kan Flowlighter's Obscurite Magie saga, and the only one released by Kagura Games so far. One look at its screenshots was all it took to make me want to give it a try. Was it worth it? keep reading to find out
Pretty art
Decent story
As solid as the gameplay is, it’s also a bit basic and has some odd design choices
The soundtrack is enjoyable, but some tracks don’t fit the game’s setting
It’s very short
The story isn't precisely mind-blowing, but the characters and the interactions between them—as well as the occasional plot twist—make up for it and manage to keep the player's interest. It puts them in the shoes of Louise, a bounty hunter who got the keepsake of her late father stolen by a group of ruffians. She then has to go to Ruedidalia to find it and retrieve it, unaware that women are second-class citizens in that town and men have free reign to treat them like rubbish.
Its gameplay is solid, and I enjoyed it, but I feel like the devs could have done more in this aspect. Battles feature the standard elements you'd find in your average RPG and are surprisingly easy—even in the hardest difficulty—as long as you don't go out of your way to fight mid/late-game enemies too soon. Also, it's odd only the monsters in a specific dungeon have sex attacks when it would make more sense gameplay-wise that enemies from different dungeons can perform said attacks.
You can tell right away devs put the most effort into the game's art because it's very pleasing to the eye. The characters and scenes are detailed and gorgeous, and the backgrounds are pretty. Moreover, some sex scenes vary depending on the main character's lewdness. It also has a fair share of sex scenes; some are story-related events, and others require you to increase your lewdness meter to see it or fight specific monsters and dungeon bosses. As for the type of "content" in the game, expect a lot of non-consent sex, monster sex, and some occasional yuri and futa scenes.
I have mixed feelings about the soundtrack. On the one hand, using electronic music in a high fantasy game is a weird choice and doesn't fit the game's setting, but on the other hand, the songs are so catchy I could listen to them nonstop without getting tired of them.
Verdict: Decent
I liked the game. The art is fantastic, the story is enjoyable, and the gameplay is entertaining despite its issues. However, I recommend you wait for a sale before purchasing it because its asking price is too high for a game you can beat in about 4 hours, if not less.